Eternus by Kimberli Reynolds

9:14 AM

Title: Eternus
Author: Kimberli Reynolds
Publish Date: February 23, 2011
Publisher: Borderline Publishing
Pages: 400
Buy the Book: Amazon
Rating: ★★★★

How long is forever? Rhiannon did not ask for forever, and she does not even remember it. For this simple, humble woman, her senior year in a new town goes from seemingly ordinary to earth shattering as she unlocks all the tempestuous secrets she's kept protected in her soul, life after unremembered life. That is, until her dreams and nightmares begin to unlock the real woman she has always been destined to be. Hunted.

Eternus by Kimberli Reynolds is addictive once you get beyond the slow beginning. The way it is written keeps you interested and more often than not has you wanting to break the greatest rule of reading ever -- to read the last page. There are so many questions brought out throughout the book that you just want answered but I get impatient and want them now... Nobody said I was perfect. 

Rhiannon is an intriguing main character, mostly because she makes a lot of choices that I wouldn't have made. It doesn't make her unlikable but rather makes you wonder what the consequences and benefits would've been if she had acted like you had. She is a well-fleshed out character with a deep background story that through most of the story, you have little grasp on. Her relationship with Leone is mostly push-and-pull and doesn't receive a whole lot of development throughout the book; however, that doesn't make the book any less worth reading than it already is.

The friends and family throughout the book play a decent role throughout the book and I got attached to several of the characters. The author places a lot of surprising twists when it comes to character choice in some of the bigger moments of the book and caught me off-guard more than once. Her parents played bigger parts in the beginning and somewhat faded out towards the middle and they definitely were a great set of parents, well, as great as you can expect. There wasn't any really animosity between Rhiannon and her parents which I liked a lot. 

The plot was fun and inventive, taking two common attributes of young adult literature and entwining them: vampires and reincarnation. I enjoyed reading it and all of its plot twists that came along.

A definite read. 

About the author

Bailee is the type of person you would expect to find with her nose buried in a book or a notebook and a pencil in hand. She loves reading and she loves reviewing the books she reads. This is certainly becoming a passion of hers.